2007.03-2011.01 大连理工大学,化工学院,工学博士
2003.09-2006.07 大连理工大学,化工学院,工学硕士
1997.09-2001.07 大连理工大学,化工学院,工学学士
2013.09-至 今 大连理工大学,化工与环境生命学部,副教授,硕士生导师
2011.02-2013.08 大连理工大学,化工学院,博士后
Email: nxiao@
1. 煤基和石油基中间相材料的结构、性能与应用(高性能炭纤维等)
2. 高温煤焦油高附加值利用技术
3. 新型催化剂及催化反应体系研究
1. 碳包覆金属纳米粒子核壳结构原位组装构筑泡沫炭材料及其电磁特性研究, 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 (No.51302025)
2. 泡沫炭复合材料结构及电磁特性研究,中国博士后科学基金特别资助 (No.2012T50256)
3. 基于煤直接液化残渣的超疏水性材料的合成、结构及其油水分离性能研究,中国博士后科学基金 (No.2010A17GX095)
1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:《新结构高性能多尺度复合炭素材料的设计、合成及其海水淡化性能研究》(No.21336001,2014.01-2018.12)
2. 大连市首批领军人才2012年度资助项目:《基于高温煤焦油制备高品质可纺中间相沥青的新技术研究》
3. 企业合作项目: 高温煤焦油加工新技术研究
4. 国家重点基础研究发展规划项目“973计划项目”:《大规模煤炭直接液化的基础研究》子课题:煤加氢液化的反应动力学研究
1. 高温煤焦油加氢新工艺
2. 中间相沥青合成及应用研究
3. 高性能沥青基炭纤维合成及性能研究
4. 煤基功能纳米炭材料合成及应用研究
1. N Xiao, Y Zhou, Z Ling, JS Qiu. Synthesis of a carbon nanofiber/carbon foam composite from coal liquefaction residue for the separation of oil and water, Carbon, 2013, 59:530-536.
2. XJ He, N Zhao, JS Qiu, N Xiao, MX Yu, XY Zhang, C Yu, MD Zheng. Synthesis of hierarchical porous carbons for supercapacitors from coal tar pitch with nano-Fe2O3 as template and activation agent coupled with KOH activation, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1, 9440-9448.
3. N Xiao, Y Zhou, Z Ling, ZB Zhao, JS Qiu. Carbon foams made of in situ produced carbon nanocapsules and the use as a catalyst for oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene, Carbon, 2013, 60:514-522.
4. N Xiao, Z Ling, Y Zhou, JS Qiu. Synthesis and structure of carbon belts made of carbon nanofibers supported on carbon foams, Carbon, 2013, 61:386-394.
5. YL Xie, N Xiao, C Yu, JS Qiu. Magnetically recyclable Pt/C(Ni) nanocatalysts with improved selectivity for hydrogenation of o-chloronitrobenzene. Catalysis Communications, 2012, 28:69-72.
6. YL Xie, N Xiao, Z Ling, Y Liu, C Yu, JS Qiu. Flower-like Co-Ni/C bimetallic catalysts for the selective hydrogenation of o-Chloronitrobenzene, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2012, 33(11–12): 1883-1888.
7. N Xiao, Y Zhou, JS Qiu, ZH Wang. Preparation of carbon nanofibers/carbon foam monolithic composite from coal liquefaction residue. Fuel, 2010, 89 (5):1169-1171.
8. N Xiao, Z Ling, LP Wang, Y Zhou, JS Qiu. Preparation of zeolite/carbon foam monolithic composites with a hierarchical structure. New Carbon Materials, 2010, 25(5):321-325.[In Chinese]
9. L Zhang, N Xiao, C Yu, ZB Zhao, JS Qiu. Synthesis of double-walled carbon nanotubes by floating chemical vapor deposition method in a reactor with varied diameter. Science Paper, 2010, 12(5):972-978.[In Chinese]
10. K He, N Xiao, C Yu, Y Tang, Y Liu, JS Qiu. Preparation and adsorption of CA-CNTs composites. Science Paper, 2010, 12(5):907-923.[In Chinese]
11. Y Zhou, N Xiao, JS Qiu, YF Sun, TJ Sun, ZB Zhao, Y Zhang. Preparation of carbon microfibers from coal liquefaction residue. Fuel, 2008, 87:3474-3476.
12. ZH Xiao, Y Zhou, N Xiao, JS Qiu. Present status and prospect of carbon foams. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progess, 2008, 27(4):473-477. [In Chinese]
13. Y Zhou, ZH Xiao, N Xiao, JS Qiu. Effect of template pretreatment on structure of carbon foams. Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering, 2008, 59(12):3138-3143. [In Chinese]
1. 邱介山, 肖南, 周颖, 肖正浩, 以煤直接液化残渣为原料制备纳米碳纤维/泡沫炭的方法, 2011.08, 中国, 200910308685.5.
2. 邱介山, 肖南, 周颖, 赵宗彬, 一种纳米碳带/泡沫炭复合材料的制备方法, 2011.08, 中国, 2009103097262
3. 周颖,邱介山,肖南,孙天军,赵宗彬,以煤炭液化残渣为原料等离子体制备纳米炭材料的方法,专利号:ZL200510047800.X
4. 邱介山,凌铮,万鹏,肖南,杨隽宇,一种去除燃料电池氧化剂中微量二氧化硫的吸附剂及合成方法,专利号:ZL201110152164.2