1997.09-2004.01 沈阳化工大学,化工学院,工学学士、硕士
2004.02-2008.02 大连理工大学,化工学院,工学博士
2008.03-2012.11 大连理工大学,化工学院,材料化工系,讲师
2008.03-2013.11 大连理工大学,化工学院,功能材料化学与化工专业,硕士研究生导师
2013.12-2015.12 大连理工大学,化工学院,材料化工系,副教授
2016.01-至 今 大连理工大学,化工学院,材料化工系,教授
电话: 0411-84986085
Email: chang.yu@
1. 炭素材料与层状无机材料
2. 能量储存与转换材料与器件(锂电池、超级电容器和太阳能电池等)
3. 燃油脱硫、脱氮技术
1. 国家自然科学基金—优秀青年基金项目
2. NSFC-新疆联合基金重点基金项目,参加单位负责人
3. 国家自然科学基金--青年科学基金项目
4. 国家自然科学基金--专项基金项目,子课题负责人
5. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金项目—重大培育项目
1. 生物质基炭功能材料
2. 层状无机物调控策略
3. 多尺度炭复合功能材料
4. 能量存储与转换器件(超级电容器、杂化电容器、太阳能电池和电催化等)
1. Chang Yu, Yufeng Sun, Xiaoming Fan, Zongbin Zhao, Jieshan Qiu.* Hierarchical Carbon-encapsulated iron nanoparticles as a magnetically separable adsorbent for removing thiophene in liquid fuel, Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 2013, 30(7): 637-644. (highlighted as front cover)
2. Chang Yu, Xiaoming Fan, Limei Yu, Teresa Bandosz, Zongbin Zhao, Jieshan Qiu.* Adsorptive removal of thiophenic compounds from oils by activated carbon modified with concentrated nitric acid, Energy Fuels, 2013, 27 (3):1499–1505
3. Juan Yang(研究生), Chang Yu, Xiaoming Fan, Zheng Ling, Jieshan Qiu,* and Yury Gogotsi. Facile fabrication of MWCNTs-doped NiCoAl-layered double hydroxide nanosheets with enhanced electrochemical performances. J Mater Chem A, 2013, 1:1963-1968. (highlighted as front cover image).
4. Xiaoming Fan, Chang Yu, Zheng Ling, Juan Yang, Jieshan Qiu.* Hydrothermal synthesis of phosphate-functionalized carbon nanotube-containing carbon composites for supercapacitors with highly stable performance, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2013, 5(6): 2104–2110.
5. Shaohong Liu, Zhiyu Wang, Chang Yu, HB Wu, G Wang, Q Dong, Jieshan Qiu,* Alexander Eychmüller, XW Lou. A Flexible TiO2(B)-Based Battery Electrode with Superior Power Rate and Ultralong Cycle Life, Advanced Materials, 2013, 25: 3462-3467.
6. Xiaojun He, PH Ling, JS Qiu, MX Yu, XY Zhang, Chang Yu, MD Zheng.Efficient preparation of biomass-based mesoporous carbons for supercapacitors with both high energy density and high power density,Journal of Power Sources, 2013, 240:109-113
7. Xiaojun He, N Zhao, JS Qiu, N Xiao, MX Yu, XY Zhang, Chang Yu, MD Zheng. Synthesis of hierarchical porous carbons for supercapacitors from coal tar pitch with nano-Fe2O3 as template and activation agent coupled with KOH activation, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, Accepted, DOI:10.1039/C3TA10501F
8. Ling Chen, Zhaoxia Song, Guichang Liu, Jieshan Qiu*, Chang Yu, JW Qin, L Ma, FQ Tian, Wei Liu. Synthesis and electrochemical performance of polyaniline-MnO2 nanowire composites for supercapacitors. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2012, 74 (2):360-365.
9. Zhaoxia Song, Wei Liu, M Zhao, YJ Zhang, Guichang Liu, Chang Yu, JS Qiu. A facile template-free synthesis of α-MnO2 nanorods for supercapacitor. J. Alloys and Compounds, 2013,560: 151-155
10. Gang Wang, Chao Pan, Liuping Wang, Qiang Dong, Chang Yu, Zongbin Zhao, Jieshan Qiu*. Activated carbon nanofiber webs made by electrospinning for capacitive deionization, Electrochimica Acta, 2012, 69, 65-70.
11. Limei Yu, Haili Gao, Jijun Zhao, Jieshan Qiu*, Chang Yu. Adsorption of Aromatic Heterocyclic Compounds on Pristine and Defect Graphene: A First-Principles Study. J Comput Theor Nanos, 2011, 8, 2492-2497.
12. Gang Wang, Qiang Dong, Zheng Ling, Chao Pan, Chang Yu, Jieshan Qiu*. Hierarchical activated carbon nanofiber webs with tuned structure fabricated by electrospinning for capacitive deionization, J Mater Chem, 2012, 22, 21819-21823. (Cover image/Hot paper)刊物的正封面和热点论文 (highlighted as front cover image)
13. Yaling Xie, Nan Xiao, Chang Yu, Jieshan Qiu*. Magnetically recyclable Pt/C(Ni) nanocatalysts with improved selectivity for hydrogenation of o-chloronitrobenzene. Catalysis Communications, 2012, 28:69-72.
14. Zhentao Li, Chao Hu, Chang Yu, Zhiyu Wang, Horst Adams, Jieshan Qiu*. Preparation and mechanical properties of highly-aligned carbon micro-trees. Carbon, 2010, 48, 1926-1931.
15. Zhentao Li, Chao Hu, Chang Yu, Jieshan Qiu*. Synthesis and characterization of carbon-encapsulated magnetic nanoparticles via arc-plasma assisted CVD. J Nanosci Nanotechno, 2009, 9, 7473-7476.
16. Chang Yu, Jieshan Qiu*, Yufeng Sun, Xianhui Li, Gang Chen, Zongbin Zhao. Adsorption removal of thiophene and dibenzothiophene from oils with activated carbon as adsorbent: effect of surface chemistry. J Porous Mat, 2008, 15, 151-157.
17. Chang Yu, Jieshan Qiu*. Preparation and magnetic behavior of carbon-encapsulated cobalt and nickel nanoparticles from starch. Chem Eng Res Des, 2008, 86, 904-908.
18. Karifala Kante, Jieshan Qiu, Zongbin Zhao, Chang Yu, Teresa J. Bandosz*. Role of oil derived carbonaceous phase in the performance of sewage sludge based materials as media for desulfurization of digester gas. Appl Surf Sci, 2008, 254, 2385-2395.
19. Karifala Kante, Jieshan Qiu, Zongbin Zhao, Chang Yu, Teresa J. Bandosz*. Development of surface porosity and catalytic activity in metal sludge/waste oil derived adsorbents: effect of heat treatment. Chem Eng J, 2008, 138, 155-165.
在读硕士生 5人,协助指导2人
毕业硕士生 3人,协助指导1人